In game chat

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In game chat

Post by jarik »

Looks like there is chat in the game. I accidentally pressed wrong button in our game and got discord browser popup

Bad thing is that for some reason something was moving the focus every 0,1 second. And when got rid of browser my controls didn't work anymore. Lost all but 1 min of my extra time there

Later in game I noticed that it is same button as those coach reaction videos, just short press. On 2nd and 3rd times focus wasn't moving but couldn't write anything to the name field. So still don't know how it actually would work

But if you ask me decision to have browser popup asking for input while playing game with timer is bit silly. I would have just used coach names in chat 🤷‍♂️
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Re: In game chat

Post by Felryan »

It just seems to be an invitation to the official BB3 discord server ?
It would be totally silly to add a discord chat to ingame bb3 o.O
At least, it seems to be in line with the rest of the UI...totally silly :p
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Re: In game chat

Post by jarik »

That is just stupid. There seems to be mail icon too, so probably you can write messages while playing 🤦‍♂️

Have to see if could somehow disable those as they share buttons with other actions
Manger of our official Twitter commentator Big Bob, coach of 112th Brute Brigade and few other teams. PM me for access to, even it is not really in use at this moment.
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Re: In game chat

Post by Felryan »

Apparently, there is a ingame chat via discord o.O
On the discord channel :

"Cyanide_Gautier — 19/06/2024 17:07
In order to use the BB3 Chat facilitator, you need to link your discord account to bb3:
Click on the discord server name=>Linked Roles=>Follow the instructions

At any point during a match, if both users have linked their accounts, a temporary private thread will be created and invites will be sent to both coaches. It can take up to a minute.
The private thread will be deleted at the end of the match."

I just made it, we'll see during next week !
Soleil Noir
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Re: In game chat

Post by Soleil Noir »

Well I do not plan to create a discord account.

Happy to chat via Steam Application if opponent is willing to.
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